Why use sweeteners in smoothie recipes?

by John
(Vancouver, Canada)

I have just downloaded and read through your Smoothie Handbook.

Why do you recommend adding a sweetener (stevia) to almost every smoothie? I have owned a vitamix for a long time and make a green smoothie every morning.

This is what I use:
1 tablespoon of chia seeds soaked in 1 cup of water for at least 15 minutes
1 organic banana
1 apple(organic)
1 cup blueberries(not sprayed)
1 tsp vitamin c (calcium ascorbate)
1 tbs chlorella
1 mango if in season.
fresh kale if available
green tea if there is any left from the previous evening

I never add any sweeteners or citrous to a smoothie.

I would never add processed foods (coconut milk) to a smoothie. Occasionally, I soak 6 almonds overnight and blend them into my morning smoothie.



I appreciate your questions about my smoothie recipes. Your smoothie recipe looks extremely healthy and tasty. My goal for this site is to reach people who eat a typical American diet. There are different healthy levels of smoothies. If someone wanted to go all the way to an extremely healthy smoothie, I would completely recommend your recipe. But for someone who is coming from drinking sugary drinks, they need a little more sweetness to a green smoothie. Otherwise, they won't stick to it every day.

I would rather see them drinking a daily green smoothie with some sweetener than to pick up a coffee and muffin at the store.

I've noticed that most people tend to use less and less sweetener after drinking daily green smoothies in about a month. Their taste buds grow accustomed to the greens and actually start to crave the green flavor.

About coconut milk... you can make raw coconut milk. It just takes time. Take some of the firm meat from the coconut and blend it with water. Then strain it. (Sometimes, I don't even strain the milk for a smoothie) This makes the best tasting and most healthy coconut milk. But again... Many people aren't willing to do it. So they use the processed cow's milk instead. That is why I suggest other healthier options for them.

I do like how you use soaked almonds. I personally have been using almonds in my smoothies lately. Very tasty!

Again, thank you for your comments and suggestions. I would love to publish more of your smoothie recipes. I think that many people can greatly benefit from them. If you are willing to share, post them here.

Happy Blending!


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The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is for sharing knowledge and information from the research and experience of DaNae. She encourages you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and discussion with your own qualified professionals.

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