Beet Bok Choy Smoothie

by Risa

I hope you enjoy my beet bok choy smoothie. It makes enough to have two tall green smoothies (one in the morning and one at night, for me, and a small one for my husband).

Beet Bok Choy Smoothie

3 heads of small bok choy (about 3 cups)
2 small beets
1 fruit (apple, peach, pear, banana, starfruit, kiwi etc.)
2 c. water
3 c. ice
3 packages of sweetener (if desired - I skip it, but add it to my husband's smoothie)

I cut up the fruit and veggies and add it with the water (and sweetener - if desired) and let it blend until smooth. I then add the ice a little at a time.

I found a super blender unit that is 1200 watts made it really easy to enjoy veggie smoothies!! I'm sure you can find one online or in a kitchen store. A regular blender may not have the power to blend these ingredients.

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