Diabetic Smoothie - Is adding fruit okay? Other ingredients good for diabetics...

by Krishnan
(Palghat India)

Krishnan is trying to keep her blood sugars stable while drinking a diabetic smoothie. Let's see her question.

Question: I've been trying to go raw -- a bit easy for me since I've been a lifelong vegetarian.

I've generally been going easy on fruits and instead concentrating on vegetable smoothies since I'm a marginal diabetic. Are fruit smoothies okay for diabetics?


Answer: It's great that you already have your good nutritional habits in place.

If you want low sugared fruits, stick with mainly the berry family. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries... But you do need to use higher calorie foods so that you'll have energy at the same time.

Avocados, nuts, seeds, hemp protein powder, etc.

If you consume stevia... One thing that I do to make my green smoothies taste fruity is use berry-flavored stevia. It is really tasty in plain water as well.

I buy my flavored stevia at iHerb.com. This is one of the best prices online. I use a dropper full in each smoothie recipe. This way you don't have to add as much fruit and still get that fruity flavor. :)

If you are still getting the "sugar rush", try using a little psyllium powder. There is a lot of fiber in psyllium. And psyllium fiber helps slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood stream. iHerb.com sells psyllium powder as well.

I hope this helps you become healthier one smoothie at a time!

Happy Blending!


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