Diabetic Smoothies - How To Make Smoothies Diabetic Safe?

by Casey

I am just learning about smoothies but the few that I have tried always make my sugar levels go sky high. I especially like the fruit smoothies and wonder if there is such a thing as a sugar free smoothie.

Any tips you can give me are apprecciated. I think you are doing a great job especially after reading about your family's health and up bringing. You've all done well so keep it up.




Here are some ways to create a smoothie safer for a diabetic:

1 - Use water instead of juice as the liquid of the smoothie.

2 - Sweeten the smoothie with stevia rather than other natural sugar sweeteners. If you are trying to get a fruit flavor, try using the the berry flavored stevia. It will add a lot of flavor with no sugar spikes. That will get you closer to a sugar-free smoothie.

Try using berries as well. They are lower in sugar content than other types of fruit.

3 - Some find that adding some kind of fiber and protein like hemp seed powder helps slow down the absorption of the sugars.

I hope this helps!

Happy Blending!


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The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is for sharing knowledge and information from the research and experience of DaNae. She encourages you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and discussion with your own qualified professionals.

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