Egg White Protein Powder For Smoothies

by Barbara
(Austin, TX)

Is the egg white protein powder available in grocery stores? Or do you have to get it at a health food store? Also, I was wondering about the price.

I add yogurt to my smoothie, but don't feel like that is enough to get me through the morning. So I usually have additional 'protein' to go with it. Sometimes it's just a handful of nuts, other times I have cooked eggs.

I was also wondering about using raw eggs. I quit putting them in my smoothies several years ago after all the fuss over salmonella. Are there other ways to ensure raw eggs are safe?

Thank you, I'll look for egg white protein powder and give it a try. May even use a raw egg again.




I have used both raw eggs and egg white protein powder for smoothies. I would have to say that I prefer to use the egg white protein powder. As usually a whole egg with the yolk is used with the raw egg option. The egg yolk adds a lot of fat and calories.

Now... the fat from one egg yolk isn't bad... but if you are adding 2-3 eggs in the smoothie, that adds up.

I like the convenience of the protein powder. The powder also adds a creamy texture to my smoothies as well. How about the flavor? Well, it really depends on the brand. Some actually taste wonderful! Then others are so-so.

I buy my egg white powder online. Some health food stores are starting to sell it on their shelves. But I find it marked up in price by quite a bit.

My favorite egg white protein powder is Jay Robb Egg White Protein, Vanilla. This powder has the best flavor. A big benefit is that the egg white protein comes from chickens not treated with chemicals. I love all of the flavors available. But vanilla seems to be the most versatile. You can always make it "chocolate" or "strawberry" flavored by adding those ingredients.

For those on a budget, I recommend Rose Acre Farms Dried Egg Whites. This protein powder blends well with a flavored smoothie. But beware... This protein powder is straight egg whites. There are no added flavors or sweeteners. Perhaps, that's why it's cheaper.

If you want to start using raw eggs, make sure that the eggs are coming from your own chickens, someone that you know, or someone that you know that is taking good care of the chickens. Do not use the cheapest eggs in the store. Most of the recalls are not from organic free range eggs.

Adding the egg protein to a smoothie should help you keep your hunger satisfied through the morning. Another thing that would help is using psyllium fiber. I add this to most of my smoothies now. You can also add raw nuts and seeds to the smoothie to keep you satisfied as well.

But perhaps you like the extra crunch to snack on during the day. :)

I hope this helps!

Happy Blending!


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Comments for Egg White Protein Powder For Smoothies

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Brand Manager at Gifted Earth Originals
by: Mark Bruland

This past October, a very small, family-owned company of organic and cage free chicken farmers launched it's first retail brand of organic egg white protein powder shakes and plain. The shakes are available on Amazon or through the company's website (

All of the birds are raised in Certified Humane conditions, get daily access to the outdoors, and as the egg protein is dried, there is no risk of salmonella, E. coli or listeria. It contains 25 grams of protein per shake, 10 shakes to a canister. Three flavors to choose from (Vibrant Vanilla, Chocolate Divine and Very Strawberry). Shelf life is 2 years because of the low moisture content, and does not need to be refrigerated once opened. They also have a Plain Organic Egg White Protein that is unflavored, comes in a smaller jar and you can add that to any other flavor smoothie you can dream up!

Feel free to e-mail us or call (web site contact info available). In wellness, Mark "Farmer Bee" Bruland

Thanks for your comment
by: DaNae


Thanks for your advice! I have never seen pasteurized shelled eggs. I guess I haven't been to the store to buy eggs for a year now, since I have my own chickens.

Thanks for letting us know!

Raw Eggs with Smoothies
by: mmmhealthyfoodie

I think this is a good article. I notice the differences of when I track my foods (carbs, proteins, sugars, calories) compared to when I don't. But actually, I do the same thing, mix raw eggs with my protein drinks. Only thing that I wanted to point out is that I use pasteurized shelled eggs. I mean I tend to watch what I eat and with the recent egg recalls, I don't think you can ever be too sure. I have been using them for the last few years now, for basically all my egg-based foods. But great info here.

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The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is for sharing knowledge and information from the research and experience of DaNae. She encourages you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and discussion with your own qualified professionals.

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