by Pete Parker
(Ballinger, Texas)
Thank you for the Smoothie Handbook. You have a great little website that is full of information. I just wanted you to know I appreciate your effort very much.
The reason I started to research smoothies is that I have just started up a pomegranate farm in Texas. I have 42 varieties of pomegranates. In that group, I have the top ten best tasting pomegranates in the United States, if not the world.
It's another story, but a Russian Botanist by the name of Dr. Gregory Levin collected 1174 varieties of pomegranates and the United States ended up with the best out of all of them when the Soviet Union collapsed.
We've found in Texas that pomegranates love hot, hot, summers and fairly cold winter temps. Not as cold as yours up there, but reasonably cold. West Texas is the perfect place to grow pomegranates for quality taste.
Anyway, my farm is a small one, about 8 acres, but I intend to expand in the future as my plants mature and allow me to take cuttings to propagate additional acreage.
Again, I want to thank you for a great little website and your Smoothie expertise.
Pete Parker
West Texas
Thank you for your kind encouragement and comments! I have put a lot of my heart into the content on this site. I truly appreciate your kindness on letting me know what you think about it.
I love the fact that you are farming pomegranates! It's not every day that I hear about someone growing pomegranates. My folks live in Southern Texas, so I know how hot it can get.
I can't even imagine what a fresh pomegranate would taste like right from the tree. Please send over some smoothie recipes when you harvest. I'm sure that I'm not the only one eager to read your recipes.
Have a wonderful day! Happy Blending!
Want 135 energizing smoothie recipes all bundled into a convenient handbook? Check out my ebook, Smoothie Handbook for Health.
The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is for sharing knowledge and information from the research and experience of DaNae. She encourages you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and discussion with your own qualified professionals.