How to Make a Green Smoothie with No Bananas

by Leah
(Oregon, USA)

Leah wonders how to make a green smoothie with no bananas. Let's see how we can answer her question.

Question: Hi, I am interested in trying to incorporate green smoothies each morning into my family's diet. However, my husband hates bananas and the avacados sound gross. Is there any other options to help the flavor and texture without the banana?
Thanks for your help!

Answer: I'm so glad that you are interested in making green smoothies for your family. I am sure that you will be surprised how yummy they can be. Can you use something besides bananas in your green smoothie? Sure! There are other types of fruit that you can use!

You can just use berries with the greens. But berries just don't have the thickness that bananas provide. Something that I do at times is use pears instead of bananas. Substitute 1 cored pear for one peeled banana in smoothie recipes.

If you want to learn how to make a smoothie creamy try mangos. I usually use frozen mangos due to the convenience. A yummy combination is frozen mango, frozen blueberries, frozen pineapple, spinach, and water. YUM! Another good option is papaya.

I hope that your family will love drinking green smoothies!

Happy Blending!


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