Fiber Smoothie

by Derrick Hayes

Over the years I have studied the importance of fiber in your diet. I eat Fiber One cereal and learned to add it into a smoothie.

Fiber Smoothie
-1/2 cup of Fiber One Cereal = 14 grams of Fiber
-1/2 Cup of Juice
-Strawberries or Bananas provide the best taste

Whenever I want to lose weight or maintain where I'm at, I eat Fiber One cereal and drink my Fiber Smoothies.

Thirsty? Check out more delicious and healthy smoothie recipes!

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Interesting Smoothie Recipe!
by: DaNae

I would have to say... Out of all of the smoothie recipes that I have ever tried, I have never tried Fiber One cereal in my smoothies. WOW!

I will have to try it and see how it tastes. Thanks for giving us a smoothie recipe that is "outside the box!"

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