Chocolate Pear Coffee Smoothie

by Toni
(New Jersey, USA)

A chocolate pear coffee smoothie is an interesting mix of different flavors that usually are not put together. The chocolate coffee flavor pops out with the first sip... Then the pear flavor comes up behind and surprises you.

This smoothie was really tasty, but it still doesn't beat my other regular coffee smoothies. But it is worth a try if you want something different.

Pear Coffee Smoothie
1 large pear, very ripe
1 packet organic instant coffee
1 1/2 tablespoons of raw cacao
1 teaspoon of powdered stevia
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup of raw cashews
12 ice cubes

Prepare the pear by washing the outside and removing the core. Chop the pear up and place it in the blender with everything else on top. Blend for about 45-60 seconds or until everything is well blended.
New Jersey

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