Fruity Fruit Smoothie...IT'S YUMMY (Especially, if you are a fruit lover)

by Makayluh
(Spokane, Washington)

Fruity Fruit Smoothie

*1/2 cup **milk
4-6 sliced strawberries
3-6 cubes of mango
1-2 chopped banana
5-8 pieces of already sliced pineapples!
4-6 peices of already sliced peaches!
1-3 tablespoon of splenda***
3-4 tablespoons of frozen orange juice
1 container of any fruity yoplait yogurt of your choice
1 splash of vanilla
5-8 pieces of ice

Pour into about 3-6 cups. But remember... Smoothies are very filling.

*While you are mixing... if it is to thick, be sure to add more milk.
**If you want the smoothie to taste more creamy use half and half.
***DaNae's Note: Thanks for submitting this smoothie recipe. It looks delicious! The only thing I would do differently is use stevia instead of splenda. Again, thanks for sharing! Happy Blending!

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To Thea:
by: DaNae


This recipe that Makayluh shared with us isn't 100% healthy. You are right.

That is why I commented at the bottom of the page that I would use stevia instead of splenda.

Regarding the milk... I do believe the regular pasturized and homogenized milk at most stores isn't good for us. For those who can digest milk properly, raw milk is an option. But we generally stay away from cow's milk in our home. My son breaks out in a horrible rash from it.

But anyone wanting to go on the healthier route, try using almond, hemp, coconut, etc alternative milks. There are even alternative yogurts made with almonds or coconuts.

I'm sure that you are used to blending super healthy smoothies. If you are willing... I would love to publish your smoothie recipes.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Thea!

Research first what is truly Healthy!
by: Thea

Milk is not good for you nor are any dairy products. Using Spring water is way better.

Splenda is not good for you, use Stevia instead.
Stevia is all natural.

You really should promote HEALTHY smoothies! I suggest you do some more research into what is healthy vs just writing whatever.


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The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is for sharing knowledge and information from the research and experience of DaNae. She encourages you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and discussion with your own qualified professionals.

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